Dr. Ken Sun
Dr. Ken Sun specializes in adult and pediatric allergy assessments. He is fluent in English and Mandarin. His consultation services include Saturdays.
Dr. Sun is accepting new patients. Referrals can be faxed to 416-222-9238
Dr Sun’s Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to prepare for my first visit to see Dr. Ken Sun, the Allergist?
Tests and treatments performed by Dr.Ken Sun:
Dr. Sun sees a variety of patients and conditions and performs various tests/treatments, including:
- Adult and Pediatric Allergy
- Food Allergy Assessment
- Oral Food Challenges
- Medication/Penicillin/Vaccine Allergy Assessment
- Drug Challenges
- Environmental Allergy Assessment
- Venom Allergy Assessment
- Skin Testing
- Immunotherapy/Desensitization
- Anaphylaxis
- Asthma
- Eczema/Atopic Dermatitis
- Hives/Urticaria
- Angioedema
- Rhinitis/Sinusitis
- Recurrent Infections
Medications to STOP
Please do not take antihistamines for ideally 3 days prior to your visit. Antihistamines can prevent allergy tests from working.
Examples of antihistamines:
- Benadryl, which is diphenhydramine
- Reactine, Zyrtec or Aller-Relief, which is cetirizine
- Allegra 12-Hour or Allegra 24-Hour, which is fexofenadine
- Claritin or Claritin-Kids, which is loratadine
- Blexten, which is bilastine
- Rupall which is rupatadine
- Sleep aids like Tylenol PM or Advil PM, which contain diphenhydramine
Medications to CONTINUE
Please continue all other medications including asthma medications, eczema creams, and nasal sprays.
On Your First Visit
- Please bring your current medicines.
- If your appointment is for a possible food allergy, please bring a small sample of all fresh foods (e.g.: fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish, seafood, meats, etc.) that you suspect you may be allergic to.
- Your allergist may need to use these for your skin test.
- Due to allergy and other testing, your first visit may take up to two hours.
Missed appointments:
If you can’t keep your appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance. If you miss your appointment without notification, a $50 fee will be applied.